by Dennis Mullen
When I first began working as a web site developer for the University
of Pennsylvania Library there was a wonderful collection of books on
display in the Library's exhibit space. When I asked the curator of
our department about them he said "Oh, those are by Enid Mark." He had
planned to develop a web site for her but hadn't really gotten started
yet and asked me if I would like to do it. And then he added
"I think the two of you would get along really well." Truer words
were never spoken. I agreed to work on the site and went out to
Wallingford to meet Enid for the first time. Our collaboration lasted
for about three years. During that time I felt truly blessed to be
working with someone who was so talented, graceful and loving. She was
new to the world of web sites and would constantly remark on my patience
in working with her and I would always reply that it was a pleasure.
I meant it every time I said it and I only wish that I could have the
opportunity to say it to her again. She is much missed.