Although we were related, sort of (Eugene and my husband, Harold, are first cousins) I did not get to know your mother until Aunt Ray introduced me to your mother's work. That was her first book, and it was your pictures taken in Israel and her text. Rosamond and I went together to see it, and we were impressed.
After that first exposure, Harold and I tried to get to as many of her shows as we possibly could. We attended the one in Swarthmore, after which we were invited back to your home where we were treated to a sumptuous repast, all prepared by your mother. She was talented at the drawing board and in the kitchen.
Harold especially had a great appreciation for your mother's talent, since he was a printer who published journals – not nearly as artistic as your mother's, however.
I hope there is something in here you can use. I have to send this snail-mail, since my computer seems to have developed an aversion to sending E-mails.
Gussie Segal