After that show we got together several times and I went to many of her other shows. I was so impressed with her books, her photography work, and her great imagination. She kindly invited me to a couple of lunches at her house and so I had the opportunity to meet some of her other artistic friends.
The most fun and exciting time I had with her was when she asked me to come down and help her photograph the pieces of broken glass for her book on Sylvia Plath. I think I had a camera that she thought would work well for that project. I have the book and looking at it and the pictures reminds me of that exciting day!
I wish we could have gotten together more often. It was always such a pleasure and learning experience to be with her. She will be greatly missed. I send heartfelt condolences and my very best wishes to you and all your family.
Most sincerely,
Margie Morgan